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import {Editor, EditorState,ContentState, Modifier} from 'draft-js';

 * Mention modifier injects the mentioned user name into the editor. Keep in mind
 * that it doesn't inject any data, necessarily, just the name. The name is parsed on the
 * backend, which is what decides how notifications are sent.
 * @param editorState object EditorState
 * @param store object AltStore
 * @returns object EditorState
const mentionModifier = (editorState, store) => {
    // grab the state, then get the current block
    const selectionState = editorState.getSelection();
    const currentBlock = editorState
    // get the start of the selection (since it's collapsed)
    // then get the raw text
    const start = selectionState.getStartOffset();
    let end = start;
    const text = currentBlock.getText();

    // count backward through the text until we get to an '@' symbol
    for (let i=start; i>=0; i--) {
        const char = text.charAt(i);
        if (char === '@') {
            end = i;
    // then we expand the selection to the entire mention text
    const updatedSelection = selectionState.merge({
        focusOffset: start,
        anchorOffset: end

    const user = store.stores.references.getState().selectedUser;

    let mention = '@' + user.get('slug');

    // replace the expanded selection with our new text    
    const replacement = Modifier.replaceText(
    // force the editor to focus back on the end of the text we just passed in
    return EditorState.forceSelection(
        EditorState.push(editorState, replacement, 'insert-characters'),

export default mentionModifier;