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Extending CEO

Client Namespace

You can extend the core of CEO Front End by creating a new module in the client repository. In the library/ folder, create a new file called Module.php that looks like the following, here Abc is the client's short code:

namespace Ceo\Modules\Abc;

use Phalcon\DiInterface;
use Phalcon\Loader;
use Phalcon\Mvc\ModuleDefinitionInterface;

class Module implements ModuleDefinitionInterface
     * Registers an autoloader related to the module
     * @param DiInterface $di
    public function registerAutoloaders(DiInterface $di = null)
        $loader = new Loader();

            'Abc' => __DIR__ . '/src'


     * Registers services related to the module
     * @param DiInterface $di
    public function registerServices(DiInterface $di)
        // register any services

You can then load any necessary libraries or services. You could even override existing services as necessary.

Custom code would then go into the library/src folder and all have the root namespace Abc, or whatever the client short code is.

Custom Commands

Custom commands can be written and executed as necessary. First, build your command, which is a file that returns a function. The function receives 3 arguments. Input parser, output parser and the dependency injector:


return function($input, $output, $di)
    $output->writeln('Hi there');

You can then run your command thusly:

php run client:run --client xxx path/to/command.php


Twig Functions and Filters