

AclManager Provides passthrough and simplified methods for ACL management
AssignmentManager Core assignment manager
AuthorManager Core author manager
BaseManager Base manager class
ChannelManager Core channel manager
ContainerManager Core container manager
ContentManager Core content manager
EntryManager Core entry manager
ExportManager Export manager handles linking and generation of exports
IssueManager Core issue manager
LockManager Lock manager handles creation and management of locking requests.
MentionManager Mention manager handles parsing mentions from text, association with models and message generation. All mentionable models must have SRNs
MessageManager Message manager handles templated message generation.
QueueManager QueueManager manages all CEO queues, QueueManager is managed by the service container and can be found at ``` DI::getDefault()->get('queue_manager') ```
RouteManager Base manager class
SettingManager Setting manager assists in setting and retrieving values.
SstsManager Core ssts manager
TagManager Core tag manager
UserManager User manager provides a standard API to user model management
WorkflowManager Core workflow manager
WorkflowsectionManager Core workflow section manager