

MetaPropertyInterface Describes standard meta property interface


Checkbox Checkbox meta property
Date Date meta property
Datetime Datetime meta property
Editortext Editor text meta property
File Upload and store a file
Json JSON encoded data, hidden on the web but can be really useful for plugins.
Longtext Longer text meta property
MetaProperties MetaProperties manager
Noop Noop is the default meta property. It's pretty much just used as a place holder and a test interface. You probably shouldn't use this.
Printonly Can be used as an all purpose hidden property but the intent is a meta property that exists only in print components and is hidden but still tracked on the web.
Relatedcontent Related content meta property
Relatedentries Select entry meta property
Richtext Formatted text meta property
Securetext Securetext meta property
Selectentry Select entry meta property
Text Text meta property