class AdFluentFetch extends BaseFluentFetch
Fluent Fetcher for snworks:ad
protected | $builder | from BaseFluentFetch | |
protected | $parentModel |
No description
Provides syntactically consistent andWherePublished
Provides syntactically consistent andWhereIn handlers
Provide a simple interface to handle findInPath functionality to find articles that fall in a SSTS path classification. Modifiers allow you to change the search mode
Provide a simple interface to handle findByTags functionality
{% set article = fetch('article').wherePublished().findByTags(['foo', 'bar']) %}
{% set article = fetch('article').wherePublished().findByTags(['foo', 'bar'], 'NOT') %}
Sluggifies the name so "Top Stories" and "top-stories" are treated the same.
Provide a simple interface to handle findByAuthors functionality
{% set article = fetch('article').wherePublished().findByAuthors(['foo', 'bar']) %}
Sluggifies the name so "Top Stories" and "top-stories" are treated the same.
Execute the query and return objects
Execute the query, automatically limiting to one and return the first result
Override where, most of these are looking for featured, so "status = 1" classifieds. That changes with the Entry method.
Handle proper sorting
at line 21
in BaseFluentFetch at line 24
Store binds reference for later
in BaseFluentFetch at line 32
Get binds reference
in BaseFluentFetch at line 41
Provides syntactically consistent andWherePublished
in BaseFluentFetch at line 46
in BaseFluentFetch at line 59
whereIn(string $key, array $values)
Provides syntactically consistent andWhereIn handlers
in BaseFluentFetch at line 63
andWhereIn($key, $values)
in BaseFluentFetch at line 73
Provide an overload for the "orderBy" method
in BaseFluentFetch at line 103
findInPath($path, $mode = '=')
Provide a simple interface to handle findInPath functionality to find articles that fall in a SSTS path classification. Modifiers allow you to change the search mode
Exact match (default)>
Ends with<
Starts with~
Does not contain
{# find articles where the ssts path matches 'sports/tennis' #}
{% set article = fetch('article').wherePublished().findInPath('sports/tennis') %}
{# find articles where the ssts path contains 'sports/tennis' anywhere #}
{% set article = fetch('article').wherePublished().findInPath('sports/tennis', '~') %}
in BaseFluentFetch at line 153
findByTags(array $tags = [], string $mode = 'AND', array $binds = null)
Provide a simple interface to handle findByTags functionality
{% set article = fetch('article').wherePublished().findByTags(['foo', 'bar']) %}
{% set article = fetch('article').wherePublished().findByTags(['foo', 'bar'], 'NOT') %}
Sluggifies the name so "Top Stories" and "top-stories" are treated the same.
Passing 'AND' or 'OR' for $mode
will include tags, passing 'NOT' will exclude them,
e.g. if you're looking for articles not tagged 'top-stories', use 'NOT' for $mode
in BaseFluentFetch at line 275
findByAuthors(array $authors = [], string $mode = 'AND', array $binds = null)
Provide a simple interface to handle findByAuthors functionality
{% set article = fetch('article').wherePublished().findByAuthors(['foo', 'bar']) %}
Sluggifies the name so "Top Stories" and "top-stories" are treated the same.
at line 92
find($binds = NULL)
Execute the query and return objects
in BaseFluentFetch at line 331
first($binds = null)
Execute the query, automatically limiting to one and return the first result
in BaseFluentFetch at line 343
__call($f, $args)
at line 45
where(string $str)
Override where, most of these are looking for featured, so "status = 1" classifieds. That changes with the Entry method.
at line 72
orderBy(string $str)
Handle proper sorting