Base audio adapter
Base adapter class
Base flv adapter
Base gallery adapter
Base image adapter
Base pdf adapter
Base quicktime adapter
Base Vimeo video adapter. The adapter is a placeholder and provides links back to the parent vimeo video
Base YouTube video adapter. The adapter is a placeholder and provides links back to the parent youtube video
FauxLock doesn't actually lock anything.
Placeholder us used for media objects that are embedded via URL
Wrap returned articles in Ceo\Compat\Model\Article
Wrap returned articles in Ceo\Compat\Model\Author
Wrap returned posts in Ceo\Compat\Model\Post and blogs in Ceo\Compat\Model\Blog
Wrap returned media in Ceo\Compat\Model\Media
Wrap returned pages in Ceo\Compat\Model\Page
Wrap search results and returned parameters to provide a Gryphon template compatible collection of variables.
Wrap returned articles in Ceo\Compat\Model\Article and sections in Ceo\Compat\Model\Section
MockShared acts as a placeholder for the SNworksShared library file for when it is either not available, or for an older library.
Article Wrapper
Author Wrapper
Base compatibility layer model.
Blog Wrapper
Media Wrapper
Page Wrapper
Post Wrapper
Section Wrapper
Tag Wrapper
Html processing static class Mostly just helpers
Builds off pagination returned by builder to create a simple pagination object that can be looped over.
Text processing static class Mostly just helpers
Time helper class
URL processing static class Mostly just helpers
Extend the base request class to add some helper methods.
Response handler, makes building responses easier
AllInterceptor runs for ALL requests. Basically just checks cache status and sets a few headers.
Lint message
Special check, looks at macro inheritance This is a error level
Lint check abstract class. All checks must inherit from this abstract
Check to see if the template is using the builtin meta This is a warning level
Check for browser sniffing This is a error level
Look for plain Http CDN calls This is a error level
Check to see if the template is using the builtin meta This is a warning level
Check for random filter This is a error level
Look for raw filter on items that already have filters This is a error level
Check to see if the advanced search results template is using the proper result handler This is a warning level
Check the split fliter, it requires a delimiter now This is a error level
Check for the existence of tabs, instead of spaces.
Check for toTime filter This is a error level
Check for namespace on UID This is a error level
Look for VideoJS This is a error level
Check case on UID in where statements This is a error level
Twig linter base. Loads checks and collates messages.
Provides base Listener class
ContentTypeListener watches for json requests and forwards the information to the appropriate handler
GenericView watches dispatcher actions.
RenderListener watches for the pre render call.
StaticViewListener watches dispatcher actions.
Base manager class
Base model methods
Webcron Task Model We use cron-expression for parsing:

 *    *    *    *    *    *
 -    -    -    -    -    -
 |    |    |    |    |    |
 |    |    |    |    |    + year [optional]
 |    |    |    |    +----- day of week (0 - 7) (Sunday=0 or 7)
 |    |    |    +---------- month (1 - 12)
 |    |    +--------------- day of month (1 - 31)
 |    +-------------------- hour (0 - 23)
 +------------------------- min (0 - 59)
Api Connector controller
Article controller
Author controller
Blog controller
Ceo Connector conbtroller
Channel controller
Base controller
DefaultRouteController handles custom routing
Error controller
Fetch controller pulls data from the CEO API
Default index controller
Media controller is a polymorphic controller that responds differently in different situations depending on the URL.
Page controller
Plugin controller
Search controller
Section controller.
Handle redirects via short URLs
SRN controller
StaticViewController handles loading of statically cached views.
Defines a fully empty result set that can still be iterated over and provide the same callbacks as a standard result set, though they don't return anything.
Query debugger, prints executed queries to the debug log.
Pagination accepts a pagination object generated by the Builder system to create a loopable set of objects you can include in a template.
Pagination URL
Ad Maanger Plugin
Classified interceptor overrides the '/classified[/category] route to allow for backward-compatible loading of Gryphon templates with compatible Category and Ad models.
Classifieds Plugin
Document compat wrapper
DocSync Twig Helper
Issuu fluid fetcher. Helps with Gryphon compatibility.
DocSync Plugin
Calendar Plugin
Poll Plugin
Weather helper. Helps with Gryphon compatibility.
Weather plugin
Provides simple interface for reading and generating information on current weather conditions.
Provides the response interface and data processing for the NDFD REST service
Basic result class. This object is substituted for a CEO model if the content object isn't found. This can happen if the content hasn't been synced in some time.
Base Service class
Default transformer, used when no transformer is defined for a pipeline. Simply returns what is passed.
Connector service Handles incoming data from CEO, parses and runs pipeline.
The Interceptor Service allows you to extend and add interceptors at runtime, when normally they wouldn't be able to be modified.
Store and retrieve arbitrary data. With the registry service you don't need to encode/decode your data. It's smart enough to know what you've provided and handle it appropriately.
The StaticViewService is responsible for managing the storage and invalidation of static views. It is the core of CEO's dynamically-static (statically-dynamic?) caching system.
Transform pipeline master service.
Searchable trait simplifies the handling of the display of search results on a model
Transform pipline Please use the Transform service to build pipelines
Helpers for static classes loaded via services
Execution timer class.
Asset replicates Gryphon's original Asset filter, providing asset urls depending on application location.
All custom Twig filters inherit from the base filter which ensures they are properly enabled
Clip provides the 'clip' twig filter.
Date overrides the Twig 'date' filter. As all dates are stored and handled in UTC, this converts them to the local timezone before display.
Extract is a dropin replacement for Gryphon's extract filter, using the new paragraph extraction functionality.
Provides Gryphon compatible int2noun filter.
Twig doesn't provide a JSON Decode method, which seems odd.
LocalDate provides the 'localDate' twig filter.
Push provides the 'push' twig filter.
Provides Gryphon compatible qualifiedUrl filter.
StripTags overrides Twig's striptags filter. We override because the striptags filter isn't HTML safe, and while we're stripping tags, we're not stripping non-escaped characters, like  .
TimeSince provides the 'timeSince' twig filter.
Creates an easier to use filter for imgix calls.
Url replicates Gryphon's original URL filter, providing absolute urls regardless of leading slash.
Provides whitelisted access to injected services
Provides CSRF Form token in a simple function
Decrypt cypher text from CEO. Relies on the existing PSK.
DelayRender allows you to force rendered Twig code to the footer of the site. Helpful for javascript.
Allows the view to directly disable embed middleware.
The fetch function sort of replicates Gryphon's original fetch tag with a number of supercharged changes.
Provides extra sugar for article fetches
Base fluent fetch interface provides the inheriting class for custom fetch interfaces and the fallback if one isn't provided.
Provides extra sugar for fluent fetches
Provides extra sugar for entry fetches
Provides extra sugar for media fetches
Provides extra sugar for page fetches
Provides extra sugar for post fetches
Fetch a single manager handler allowing you to interact with it.
Merge two or more result sets.
Allows the view to directly disable static view cache.
Load asset pipeline
BaseInterceptor provides base functionality for individual interceptors.
All view middleware, with the exception of the CacheMiddleware, must derive from the BaseViewMiddleware. The BaseViewMiddleware's register function ensures that the middleware priorities are maintained.
Inserts the beacon tracking js used to track views within CEO.
CacheMiddleware does the actual static template cache call for a given URI. It does not check to see if an item can be cached, but leaves that up to the caching service.
Manage compatibility layer specific translations
Checks the debug level to see if you're in debug mode.
Embed middleware handle the replacement of the embed placeholders. Replacement templates are searched in the following order:
Scans content as it is being processed and runs user defined content filters on the resulting data.
InterceptorMiddleware allows the client template to provide a callback for a route.
Scans content as it is being processed and automatically rewrites older Gryphon-style media URLs and turns them into CEO-style media URLs assuming that it can find the media file.
Checks to see if you have preview abilities;
The most basic of example middleware. Injects the timer value into the generated source.
FetchNode for FetchTag
Defines the 'fetch' template tag that provides backward compatibility with Gryphon-based templates. Objects returned will be wrapped in object compatibility wrappers.
HelperNode for HelperTag
Defines the 'helper' template tag that provides backward compatibility with Gryphon-based templates. Most items will simply return compatible service objects
Provides a Gryphon compatible config helper to access the original site Gryphon config, accepts the colon notation.
Provides a Gryphon compatible registry helper
A Tiwg extension that truncates text while preservice HTML tags.
Wrapper for google:calendar, wraps Ceo\Models\Entry.
Wrapper for google:calendarEvent, wraps Ceo\Models\Entry.
Fluent Fetcher for google:calendarEvent
Fluent Fetcher for google:calendar
Wrapper for polls:poll, wraps Ceo\Models\Entry.
Wrapper for polls:response, wraps Ceo\Models\Entry.
Fluent Fetcher for polls:poll
snworks:ad Compat Model. Wraps Ceo\Models\Entry.
Wrapper for snworks:category, wraps Ceo\Models\Entry.
Fluent Fetcher for snworks:ad